Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Wonder Drugs in Around Us

Apples (Apple)  
Especially rich in minerals and vitamins, amino acids and sugars are also natural. Apples eaten on the night will help fast asleep. Apples help digestion and help flushing the kidneys. Very good apple juice drink, on the basis of treatment or cure. Drink about half a liter a day. Apple cider vinegar also has efficacy against the resilience of the body, put two teaspoons full into a glass of water, drink once or twice a day. Some doctors recommend apple to balance the excess cholesterol in the blood.

Lime (Limon)  
As an antidote scurvy, lime juice can be used as a healing infections of the respiratory system and also a general tonic. Mix it with water, give honey if desired, do not be afraid of an overdose when taken dala this form. He is a healer jaundice. lemon juice can help regenerate the liver, providing the balance of the body due to alcohol are dangerous. For those who want to lose weight, can drink it the morning mixed with hot or cold water. He is also a good astringent that can be used as a gargle against throat pain, uterine haemorrhage after childbirth or as a lotion can also be burned by the sun.

Potato (Potato) 

 Nutrition lot located at the bottom of the skin. Do not peel too much, just peel the thin skin if you want to eat it. Sesisir red potatoes attached to the forehead to relieve headaches. Can heal the circles under the eyes and swollen eyelids. 

Garlic (Garlic)  

Garlic has two remarkable properties. First open the blood vessels, and the second is a strong antibiotic. It has been used a few centuries to cure fever, cough, bronchitis and throat. For treatment of arthritis, rheumatic, sciatica and sinus infections, gilinglah two cloves with a teaspoon of pure honey, taken for 3 or 4 days in a row. Garlic is incorporated into the butter and honey help to cure kidney and bladder disorders. Garlic mixed with milk to reduce high blood pressure and cure headaches. Garlic is also efficacious as a cure intestinal infections and liver disorders.

Onion (Onion)  

Oil red onion in a spicy, is a healing tool that has the effect of a good germ killer inside and out. Shallots have influence on the nervous system penormal isir intestine. Shallot bile helps digestion and disposal, in addition to red itubawang also can enurunkan blood pressure. Red onion is a standard drug in the treatment of fever and colds.

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